Natalie Eslick

Natalie Eslick

fine artist + educator

What thing were you really struggling with before we began working together?

Trying to find a cohesive way to express who I am as an artist, what I believe in, what I have to share, and how I want to share this adventure with my community.

I had a website, but it didn't feel like an online home, and that was what I needed. I also knew I didn't have the skill, nor the time to create what I was envisioning.

What were you nervous about before our work started? 

Not at all! When we had our first short meeting to discuss potentially working together you made me feel so at ease, and I could tell instantly that you understood my vision and were excited to help me create it. No nerves, just excited anticipation.

It was the biggest investment I have made in my business, but I felt completely safe in your hands.

What's your biggest takeaway from our work together? 

That reaching out and finding someone, the right someone, to help you with something you are struggling to do is the best investment you make for yourself and your business.

And that the right person will not only help with the task at hand but provide insight and inspiration in lots of other ways too!

How would you describe working with me?

An absolute delight. I have so appreciated your willingness to listen, your insight and experience in facilitating the expression of the same, your prompt responses and support.

I am so honoured to have worked with you!

How do you feel now about your decision to hire me? 

The best decision I have made! It was a large investment at the beginning of my business adventure, but so foundational, and I know I have a beautiful space that I can grow with over many years. I am so thankful that I made the leap when I did, and that we got to work together in this first season of my business - and I know you will be there for me as I grow and flourish!

How do you feel now that the project is over about moving forward? 

I am honoured to be continuing to work with you through mentorship for the next few months, so although my site is finished, beautiful and live, I get to still absorb and learn from your insight and experience, which feels so supportive.

What would you tell someone who is considering hiring me? 

I already recommend you far and wide! I love to tell people what an intuitive, creative person you are, that you are enthusiastic and insightful, and can find the core of your client's needs even if they aren't entirely sure themselves. That they will be presented with a beautiful online home.

You’ll always walk away from a call with Mariana feeling lighter and even more excited about what you are doing!

The best decision I have made!

It was a large investment at the beginning of my business adventure, but so foundational, and I know I have a beautiful space that I can grow with over many years.

natalie eslick

 Scroll the website right here

I’d be honored to support you on your journey.


Smudge Studio • Fine Artist


Victoria Johnson • Illustrator & Educator