Your art is extraordinary—your website should be, too.

So, you’ve got captivating art and stunning photos on your site—an awesome start. But does your website really capture your audience from the first click?

Getting more eyes on the offers you've been working so hard on doesn't just happen—it demands a layered strategy.

We're talking compelling copy, resonant branding, intuitive web flow, optimized product listings, and the list goes on.

But here's the kicker: Not all efforts are created equal.

That's what I’m here to help you figure out, so you can leverage the heck out of your website investment!


Artist Website Audit

Get professional eyes on your branding, copy, website design and strategy so you can turn your website into the VIP biz investment it’s meant to be. This isn’t just an audit; it’s the beginning of a digital transformation that turns your online presence into an immersive experience that converts.

Here’s What You’ll Get: 

Comprehensive Website Review Report

Using my proprietary PALETTE Method™, the most comprehensive artist website evaluation strategy, I’ll dive deep into every nook and cranny of your site, evaluating design, navigation, and overall user experience. This isn't just a surface-level glance—it's a powerful process that draws a precise map for website success put into a Google Doc.

Personalized Feedback Video

You’ll receive a tailored screen recording filled with my first impression and specific, actionable recommendations. From tweaks in design to strategic content improvements, I’ll guide you on how to make your website not just a gallery but an immersive experience.


This was one of the most helpful and professional services I have experienced in a while. The audit was extensive and useful giving specific recommendations.


Get Started Here!

INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out the information in the form under Proposal. Click Submit & next. YOU’LL Then be able to pay UNDER THE INVOICE TAB.

I accept various payment methods for your convenience, including major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover), and bank transfers. Please note that a surcharge is applied to credit card payments, which is not greater than my cost of acceptance.

I’ll be out of the office until July 16th, please allow for 7 business days after that date for your audit to be ready.


The Strategy Hour - $350


The Joan Website Template - $97