Sell Your Art
With Story

Ten weeks of journal prompts to uncover & share your art.


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The idea of marketing your work can feel like stepping into a harsh spotlight—exposing, uncomfortable, and just not you.

But what if selling your art didn’t have to feel that way?

Step out of those unflattering fluorescent lights and into the warm glow of candlelight. A place where your story does the selling for you. Where every piece you create is wrapped in the authenticity of your journey, your passion, your voice. Where marketing isn’t a chore, but a natural extension of the art you already love to make.

That’s where Sell Your Art with Story comes in.

It’s a 10-week journey designed to help you uncover the stories behind your work and share them in a way that resonates deeply with your audience. No more cringing at the thought of promoting your art. This is about storyselling—letting your art’s true essence shine through, so you can connect with buyers on a genuine, human level.

In the cozy light of your story, selling your art becomes an act of connection, not just a transaction.

Ready to sell your art without the ick? This guide's for you!

Why You’ll Love It:

  • A Deep Exploration: These prompts are crafted to draw out your story. Even if you don’t think you have one.

  • Learn Why People Collect Art: Answer your journal prompts and you’ll understand how to position your work in a way that’s bound to connect with human psychology and desire.

  • Story-Crafting: Learn to turn your journal sessions into stories that sell.

  • Storyselling: Learn how to put these stories in action.

  • Work at Your Own Pace: I recommend going through one category of prompts per week. This will help put you in the right frame of mind to deepen your exploration. Prefer to speed things up or slow them down? That’s fine! You’re the boss of you!

  • Write Your Way: Listen, I don’t know if you’re like me and would rather put pen to paper or if you’re Mavis Beacon and would instead type it out. That’s why the prompts are in a handy download you can print out and fold between the pages of your journal. You can also download them to your device of choice and always have them handy.


Look, I also get a bit nervous when I take out my credit card, but I want you to feel good about your investment. So you have 7 days to take this for a spin and if you’re not satisfied, I’ll work with you to make you happy, even if that means a full refund.


I know you’re ready to get the party started, so once you go through my trustworthy checkout process, you’ll get an email to download your purchase.


This was created for real artists by someone who has sold their art and helps artists market their artwork online. It takes into account the nuances of selling art online. Selling artwork online’s not for the faint of heart, it takes as much courage as it does strategy. And that’s exactly what you’ll get.

  • This guide is a PDF download containing 10 weeks of journal prompts designed to help you uncover and articulate the stories behind your art. It’s a step-by-step journey to develop authentic narratives based on the top reasons people purchase art.

  • The time needed varies depending on the current state of your website. You can work through the checklist at your own pace, whether that means tackling it all at once or spreading it out over time.

  • Once you complete your purchase and tick the very important checkbox at checkout, you’ll receive an email with links to download the prompts. Be sure to check your inbox (and spam folder) for the download links so you can get started right away!

  • Absolutely! This guide is designed for artists, not writers. The prompts are meant to help you find and express your authentic voice, no matter your writing experience.

  • Sell Your Art with Story focuses on uncovering and crafting the stories behind your art, making your work more compelling. Nurture Your Audience helps you build deeper connections with your audience by guiding them from admirers to collectors through tailored strategies.

  • Yes, they complement each other. Sell Your Art with Story helps you create powerful narratives, while Nurture Your Audience shows you how to use those stories to strengthen and grow your audience relationships.

    Together, they offer a complete approach to storytelling and audience engagement.

  • Each week’s prompts are designed to be flexible, allowing you to spend as much or as little time as you need. Whether you have 15 minutes or an hour, you can engage with the material at your own pace.

  • Yes! The stories you develop through this guide can be adapted for social media posts, product descriptions, newsletters, and more. It’s about creating a cohesive story to share across all platforms.

  • Definitely! Many artists find value in revisiting the prompts after their art evolves or before launching a collection. Your stories will evolve, and this guide can grow with you.

  • If you’d like personalized assistance, you can book a Strategy Hour with me. During this session, we’ll dive into your specific needs and challenges, ensuring you get the most out of The Palette Method™.

Let your story do the selling. Leave the unforgiving spotlight behind and relax under the cozy glow of candlelight—where the ick dissolves and selling transforms into an art of authentic connection.


Nurture Your Audience

A guide that helps you turn casual admirers into adoring collectors.


Visual Storytelling Primer - $47


Nurture Your Audience - $27